I had someone recently try to subscribe to this blog, so I thought I would send out a note.

I am no longer using this blog. If you want to see what I am up to, go to

There is a note on how to get on my notification list there.

If you are currently subscribed here, you can stay subscribed or not. I will not use this on any kind of regular basis so you won’t get many notices, maybe once a year or so.

UPDATE: As of September 2020 I’m back to using this BLOG, at least while I am traveling. It’s just much easier to create a post here, than on my website, at least when I don’t bring a computer with me.

Bob L

Small Towns. Ya Gotta Love ’em.

FWIW, I don’t really use this BLOG often at the moment.   I e-mail most new posts to those on my e-mail list.  Some make it to my home page, some stay in the E-Mail universe.  There may be things I send out that never make it here, so let me know if you want to be added to my e-mail list.  But if your E-Mail is not obvious, let me know who you are.

Small Towns. Ya Gotta Love ’em.

New Boston has a 4th of July parade every year. It starts with the ringing of the Paul Revere bell in the Church Steeple, then the Little Peoples Depot, small children either walking or on bicycles. Continues on with the Newest Citizen, this one only 2 weeks old, and the newest over 100 year old citizen. There are old cars, old tractors, lots of water guns, one grumpy guy in a weird camaro who did not like the water guns, fire trucks, floats, old and new Jeeps, Lots of Home Made Floats and just a great small town time. It ends at the 4H fairgrounds where they have events and food all day, ending with fireworks at night.

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